University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna

Business Informatics

  • BSc
  • German
  • 6 Semester
  • Vienna
  • 30 Places
Application period

The main task of Business Informatics is to mediate between people, organization and IT - the Bachelor's program is the training for this central bridging function.

The Business Informatics bachelor’s degree program covers a wide range of topics that provide a specialized combination of knowledge in computer science, business, and management. Students gain a detailed overview of the latest information and communication technologies, including their business implications, their planning, and their implementation.

They learn to:  

Analyze IT requirements taking customer needs into account and implement these requirements in a practice-oriented manner

Analyze, model, abstract, and implement business-related and technical aspects in the course of IT projects

Quickly familiarize themselves with specialized topics in order to understand complex technical interconnections in the business environment

Discover methods for reconciling company strategy and information processing needs in order to optimize complex processes through the use of the latest information technology

Analyze and design systems as well as their interaction scenarios

View problems from both a customer and a contractor perspective

Identify, discuss, and resolve potential conflicts and possible misunderstandings between business and technology on both a technical and interpersonal level, and take preventative measures

Communicate with technical and non-technical professionals, present technical information in a way that is also understandable for non-technical personnel, and constructively contribute to ensuring positive collaboration within teams

Apply interdisciplinary approaches in the design of IT systems

Identify interrelationships in a holistic manner

Entry requirements

An accredited secondary school certificate or equivalency or a university entrance qualification examination or a SOCRATES/CEEPUS learning agreement or a joint studies learning agreement.


Application mode:
Online application on

Application time:
Application is always possible.

Admission procedure:
Entrance exam and interview

Tuition fee:
Euro 363,36 each semester


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