"Social Work" (meaning social work/social pedagogic/social management) is a discipline known all over the world. It is concerned with the theory and methodology of professional activation of people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Experts in social work need to have comprehensive knowledge of the problematic situations of their clients, as well as soundly based theoretic and methodical ability (e.g. social diagnostics / social analysis, social counselling, case management, meditation, socio-therapy, socio-cultural animation, social management etc.).
The general objective of the course is the education of students to become experts in "social work" with a high level of qualification comparable internationally.
The specific focus of our degree programme social work is ACTIVATING social work (meaning activation resulting in self help). Activating social work is best learned using activating teaching methods: projects, workshops, peer group learning, case seminars, role play, intervision, etc..