For more than half of all travelers, the culinary offer plays a decisive role when choosing their vacation destination. And the trend is rising. If you want to take advantage of the opportunities offered by attractive cuisine in the tourism sector, you need comprehensive, versatile and practice-oriented knowledge on the topics of enjoyment, culinary history, product development/marketing, sustainability and, of course, the special features of specific or regional cuisines - from a practical, cultural, aesthetic and economic perspective. With two part-time and modular certificate courses, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and Niemz Communications offer a completely new course concept for all those interested in the development, implementation and marketing of culinary offerings in tourism.
Culinary Tourism
- Certified expert in culinary tourism with a focus on product development and innovation
- Extra occupational
- German
- 2 semesters
- Campus Urstein
- 25 Places
Admission procedure:
Online application with portfolio, admission interview
Start of studies:
1. November
Study information days:
Info Day: November 30, 2024 No time? Then visit us at the Open House on March 22, 2025
Tuition fee:
5,200 Euro (incl. 20% tax)
+ student union fee per semester
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers its 3,200 students a first-rate academic edu-cation with a strong practical orientation in the following departments: Applied Social Sci-ences, Business and Tourism, Creative Technologies, Health Studies, Green Engineering and Circular Design and Information Technologies and Digitalisation. With its international out-look and focus on innovative research and teaching, the university is a pioneer of future-oriented solutions for business and society.