
Students in Austria are not automatically housed on the campus of their university. They have to arrange accommodation themselves. Here you will find out how and where you can live during your studies and if you are allowed to work in Austria during your studies.

Your possible living arrangements

Student dormitory

At all university of applied sciences locations, there are dormitories either on campus or close by. Thanks to their good location, and, while they are still relatively inexpensive, these are a popular option among students and are often quickly booked up. In most student dormitories, students have single rooms, but sometimes there are also double rooms. In some dormitories there are even arrangements like in a flat share where students have their own rooms. There are even completely self-contained separate units in some dorms. Especially for students from abroad, student dormitories are ideal – you can meet people quickly, find help, and get oriented quickly for starting your studies.

Flat share

Living in a shared flat is very popular among students and is, therefore, the most common form of living as a student. The size of a flat share varies: there are shared flats for two, three, four or more residents.  Usually, everyone has his or her own room. The kitchen, bathroom, WC and living room are shared areas, and the rent is split. Depending on where you study, you can expect to pay between 250 and 450 euros per month for a room in a shared flat.

Your own flat

The best solution for those who wish to live alone and enjoy more privacy is certainly your own four walls. But, it is also the most expensive option. Renting your own flat will definitely cost more than staying in a student dormitory or in a shared flat.

Our tip!

The OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) offers students from all over the world possibilities to live in guest houses or student dormitories in Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Linz and Klagenfurt. Further information can be found here: OeAD student guesthousing.

Working and studying

Whether or not you can work during your studies in Austria depends on your nationality, the type of work and – if you are from a third country – from the type of residence permit you have. You can find more information on the portal of OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation). 

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