30. Jan 2024
© IMC Krems

IMC launches 2 new business bachelor programmes in 2024/25

From autumn 2024 there will be 2 new bachelor programmes at IMC Krems. The two English-taught business programmes StartUp Management* and Global Sustainability and Circular Business* will start in September. Anyone who is interested can apply now.

Would you like to study business and learn how to successfully found a start-up or manage a company sustainably? At IMC Krems you will now find the right degree programmes for this. The new StartUp Management and Global Sustainability and Circular Business degree programmes offer you a future-oriented, practical and internationally focused education. Both programmes are taught in English and last 6 semesters each.

StartUp Management

The world of start-ups is innovative, dynamic and constantly changing. This requires specialised management skills and entrepreneurial abilities. They are taught in the StartUp Management bachelor programme and students are prepared for how to found a start-up, find investors and manage their company successfully, but also ethically and socially responsibly.

Global Sustainability

The bachelor Global Sustainability and Circular Business is all about sustainable corporate management. It is about integrating ethical principles, social responsibility and ecological aspects into business processes. The focus is on the use of innovation management for sustainable technologies and business models. Both degree programmes place great emphasis on social and leadership skills, teamwork and conflict management strategies.

* subject to approval by AQ Austria

Are you interested?

Apply now online for the StartUp Management or the Global Sustainability and Circular Business bachelor programme.