07. Jan 2022

Lauder Business School to receive ACBSP accreditation

The Lauder Business School's study programs will be awarded accreditation by the U.S. quality assurance agency ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs) in mid-2022. This accreditation indicates the high international standard programs offered at the University of Applied Sciences.

As an international business school located in Vienna, Lauder Business School has opted for ACBSP accreditation in order to be better able to position its study, research and service offerings worldwide. In an extensive process, the Lauder Business School's study programs were externally audited and evaluated by the ACBSP ver a period of several months. Among other things, the curricular standards, the quality of teaching, the academic support of students and the material resources were assessed.

Worldwide assignment and recognition

ACBSP accreditation of Lauder Business School ensures the quality of the courses offered in the long term. Prospective and current students can be confident that their education meets and surpasses the requirements of both international academic and industry standards. Study content is internationally comparable and future graduates benefit from improved international recognition of their degrees in the USA. With the accreditation, Lauder Business School commits to consistently meeting the demanding ACBSP quality standards and to continuously improving the quality of teaching.

Renowned accreditation agency

ACBSP accreditation is one of the leading international accreditations for degree programs in business and management. The Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP) was founded in 1988 and is the only agency in the world that accredits business education at all academic levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD). It assesses their quality and effectiveness. Accreditations are granted for 10 years and regularly reviewed every 2 years through quality assurance reports.