10. Aug 2021
© FH des BFI Wien

Practice-oriented studies

From business, management and HR to logistics, finance and the media. Whether bachelor or master: whatever your degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, practical relevance always takes centre stage. Courtesy of corporate partners, lecturers from the business sector, an internship during your degree, as well as part-time programmes.

UAS BFI Vienna has an extensive network of corporate partners in Austria and abroad. Recently, the University for Economics, Management and Finance acquired a new partner in the form of Knapp IT Solutions GmbH. The company is closely involved in the university's Project Management and Information Technology, Project Management and Organisation, and Logistics and Transport Management degree programmes.

Strong practical orientation

Cooperation with partners like Knapp IT Solutions generates direct benefits for students. During their degree, students forge contacts with the company – a potential future employer – and are involved in ongoing projects. Lecturers from the business sector also give students an insight into the world of commerce. They guide students through case studies, set up fictional companies with them, and also involve students in real-life projects that their businesses are currently implementing.

Obligatory internships

Internships give students the chance to gain first-hand experience of real-life professional demands. The internship is a compulsory element of the bachelor degree programmes, and can be completed either in Austria or abroad. The position must require specialist skills and be in a profession that the degree programme prepares students to enter. Part-time students can complete the internship with their currently employer in a field related to the degree programme.

Innovative and open-minded

Students at UAS BFI Vienna can look forward to cutting-edge business education with a clear practical focus, innovative teaching methods and a strong emphasis on Europe. Curriculums and course contents are constantly adapted and updated in close consultation with companies, with a view to ensuring that students are fully prepared to deal with future professional challenges and carry out specialist or managerial responsibilities. The degree programmes are also geared towards bringing students up to speed on all the latest developments and practical requirements, so they hit the ground running when they join the world of work.