24. Jan 2022
© FHS/Ranger

More study places in Nursing

Well-trained Nursing professionals have been urgently needed for years. The demand exceeds the supply by far. For this reason, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences has now increased its study places in general health care and nursing. Midwifery training will be also expanded.

40 additional Nursing study places will be available at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences from 2022. Together with its partners, the Salzburg University Hospital (SALK) and the Cardinal Schwarzenberg Hospital in the central region of Salzburg, the University of Applied Sciences is now offering 200 study places per year in Nursing: 140 for the winter semester and 60 more to start in the summer semester.

Health care education with high practical relevance

The Bachelor's degree programme in Nursing at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences prepares students for their future professional activities between patients and doctors in a scientifically sound and at the same time practice-oriented manner. Highest professional and social competences are a basic requirement. Graduates have excellent career prospects and can usually choose from many job offers. In some cases, they receive job offers even before they have completed their studies. The internship compensation, which has recently been guaranteed, makes the training even more attractive – also for transfer students.

Thanks to the wide-ranging training, graduates also have other career options. They can take on tasks in health care and prevention or work in care and disease management. Some also decide for a further Master's degree and then for a scientific career.

Development of Midwifery

In the field of health sciences, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences has not only increased the number of study places in Nursing. From autumn 2022, the Midwifery Bachelor programme will also be expanded: Instead of training 24 midwives in 3 years as before, 48 students will start their training in the next two years.